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Registration for Winter Training Sessions is now open!
​Winter training sessions are organized by age group and will combine players from different teams of like ability.  All sessions are 12 weeks at Riverfront Sports for $175.  Wednesday sessions begin December 2 and conclude March 3.  Friday sessions begin December 4 and conclude March 5.  There are no sessions the weeks of Christmas and New Years.
Please register via the links below.
Wednesday 4:30-6 Session 1
Coach: Lilly Cross
Open to 2009, 2010 and 2011 players.  Maximum of 14 participants
Wednesday 4:30-6 Session 2
Coach: Victor Obetta
Open to 2006, 2007 and 2008 players.  Maximum of 12 participants
Friday 4:30-6 Sessions
Coaches: Emma Black and Victor Obetta
Open to all age groups.  Maximum of 48 participants
Players will be divided into groups based on age and ability.  Group assignments will be made prior to the first session.
Cost and Refund Policy
Cost for all sessions is $175 due at the time of registration. 
Refund Policy: In the event that sessions are cancelled due to a facility closure, and Riverfront issues a refund to AYS, a pro-rated refund will be issued to registered players.  Refunds will not be issued for any other reasons. 
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